Membership Meeting 2017: Live discussion

Welcome to the 2017 May First/People Link Membership Meeting! Please use this space to live chat and comment on the membership meeting as it is taking place. This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Hello meeting goers.

After Friday at 5 pm, will there be links to listen to the day’s events on this site after they are finished - so those who miss Friday’s events during the day, can listen to them online Friday night, before Saturday’s events? Thanks very much.

Yes! We will have recordings and I’ll try to get those up as soon as the session ends on friday.

Hi everyone. We are almost ready here in Mexico City.

Is the Friday morning session available remotely? I’m only getting lovely piano music.

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Hey ken! We should be starting at 1pm EST

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Ok, there are some small technical difficulties in Brooklyn but we are almost ready. We promise :smiley:

We’ve started! Check the broadcast now.

This is Samir out at the Highlander Center in New Market TN. I’m just checkin in to say happy to be following along as an online participant!

I am Marcus one of the co-directors of LeftForum. soyy couldn’t make it in person

Hey y’all,

This is Samir. Sorry our internet connection is so bad out here in New Market TN. We’re putting up a tower right now which will allow us to become our own Internet Service Provider and finally provide ourselves with a blazing fast 1 Gbps broadband connection via wireless line-of-sight technology. Trying to upload pictures now so y’all can see! Not sure it’ll work :frowning:

Just want to remind people that if you have any questions or comments about the topics we’re discussing you can add them here and we’ll read them aloud in the meeting.

Solo quiero recordar a todxs que si tienen dudas o comentarios sobre los temas que estamos discutiendo pueden escribirlos aquí y los leemos en la reunión.

When we hit a stopping point for outside questions, I have some questions and thoughts on what Jamie raised about servers vs. peer-to-peer

Saturday AM. Wanted to, but can’t make it out in Brooklyn. Not able to install Mumble and it took forever to figure out how to use this chat system. But I will be listening over the course of the day.

Listening if the Listen system is working. So far doesn’t seem to be working - hearing nothing. Yesterday it was very bumpy.

Hi - we have’t started yet - so you probably are hearing silence. should begin in about 10 - 15 min.

For members on mumble, please speak up if you have a comment or question OR post them here.

Jamie, I’m here listening, but can’t speak, no mumble. (although might have to run an errand later.)

John F.