Members' Thinking about What We Should Do

+1 to exploring tools to facilitate decision making like LiquidFeedback or Loomio

While following the clue about Loomio, I was lead to the work of the P2P Foundation. And this video is in the Facebook feed of the P2P Foundation and says SO MUCH about what May First is interested in…

We do already offer a open Mumble instance at
We’ll be having our membership consultation meeting over Mumble tomorrow, May 6 at 4:00 pm U.S. Eastern time (3:00 pm Mexico).

Last I heard Mailman 3 still wasn’t localized or translated to any other languages. I think that’s a deal breaker for us.

I agree a million percent with this perspective. One thing though: for May First to “anticipate” what might be needed, we’re going to have to meet with many activists and organizations or, which is kind of the same thing, participate in conversations with coalitions, etc. I personally do not think that video conferencing systems are the necessary path although I do think we have to be working on them. Many activists are calling for them because they are reacting to things immediately without the benefit of deeper conversations. I think making happen those conversations is something we can really contribute to because, with us in the mix (and our relationships with the rest of the tech movement) these transform from just theoretically “wish list” conversations to real planning collaborative thinking.

so I’m sitting hee with Mumble on my screen. Now, how do i get into the conference?

Notes for English group number 2:

  1. Information gathering and sharing is the main need: what resourcees are available, what techies are available, what needs we have, how much what we want to build will cost, - geared for non-techies

  2. Implementation plan: while research and planning our important, we must also be developing an implementation plan for concrete steps on how to put this information into a plan for having an impact on the movement and the world.

Summary points from English group number 1:

  • Need to expand membership and bring in more resources

  • Need to discuss with members about their tech needs and the resources needed to to provide the support, e.g. how to use simultaneous translation in mumble

  • Help bring awareness about the work of mfmt, and argument for open source technologies, and increase its reach e.g. hold more Need to Know sessions

  • Build capacity so members can get tech support they need, and mfmt can build and sustain tools and infrastructure

  • Prepare for when the internet fails - have alternative technologies and strategies for long distance communications

  • Organize members and technologists, e.g. bring together small groups to discuss who we are and what resources we can bring to the table

  • Need strategies and technology for mass communications and mobilization

Group 3 Summary:
MFPL Breakout Group Notes

5 Big Ideas

1- MFMT positions itself as accompanying these organizations and creates a Cornonavirus section that comprehensively provides WFH resources

2- MFMT should also highlight which tech giants are getting rich off this pandemic and offer alternative technology solutions

3- MFMT can host a conversation/convening to coordinate programming and political conversations to ensure we’re on the right path (e.g. conversations beyond MFMT).

4- Toolkit or guide for working ‘remotely’ or going through this transition if in a low-tech environment, tech desert, or without reliable bandwidth, etc…

5- What advocacy can we do both in the US and internationally around internet access. Some of the emergency resources are preferencing people with internet access (e.g. resource lists/sites; applying for aid; etc)

6- Organizers need to get their communities on the same digital platform? Ideally with a single interface and sign-on.


  • zoombombing

  • jitsi meter

  • issues with MFMT email delivery/delay

  • issues with MFMT jitsi instance

  • “we’re lucky we don’t depend on corporations to provide service to us”

    how can we continue to grow phychologically and socially in this context

    one org reduced working hours

    one org is offering psychosocial support

    #empresascontache is helping advance labor rights

    public information has been reduced in this time

    impact of working from home (divided attention/priorities)

    interest in supporting folks holistically; understanding if folks are projecting support issues accutely might just mirror the social uncertainty

    folks returning to core organizing methods

    lots of corporate tools are being used

    how can our tech support this next wave of movement building


The issues we’re dealing with now, are not new or due directly to COVID19.

This is an awful time for people to try to work (speaking as someone who was ill with the virus). MF vision is a left vision, how can we work within this capitalist model, while moving towards a better world.

Tools are important but we’re seeing some of our tools - Jitsi for example - often doesn’t meet the needs to replace corporate tools such as Zoom, etc… These tools have strong competition. Mutual Aid for example in the US is using Twilio (SMS service), integrating with slack, air table, google sheets. None of this is configured in a secure way. A lot of our technology use is being done out of urgency right now and not in a systems design workflow. Ex: one group had google sheet edit that caused their SMS workflow to crash. Took days to find and fix issue.

Some orgs/companies allowing unlimited sick time, taking care of humans, many are not. How do we take these human models and make sure they are spread far and wide.

A report-back noted that we can educate using digital means and challenge formal institutions. YES we can. Participatory production of knowledge. Descriptions of practices that are known to work. A library of solidarity economy practice? Taught in mutual teaching/learning study pods. Backed up by text/video chat - Mattermost, Loomio, Mastodon?

This used to be called ‘organic intellectual’ production. never more important than now.

Not a quick fix, a long haul, across generations. Build for durability and comprehensiveness (not tech durability so much as durable frame on the content of the teaching - secured through evolutionary mechanisms, living documents and living participatory P2P practices). But maybe start with ‘first aid’? On a platform of federated FLOSS tools that is already working , not built from scratch. NextCloud? Cloudron/Digital Life? How does MayFirst toolset compare with these? So the apps federate well?

Other Big Ideas:

    1) How can MF become a hub for online meeting facilitations? Not just tools-based, but more holistically (best practices, tips, etc..)

    2) Specific campaign website for all things related to COVID19 could be a nice initiative. How to incorporate folx not part of MF?

On today’s call I left 2 links in the chat. In case you did not see them:

  1. A needs and wants database. We could use the code and host it on MayFirst, which would require some effort from programmers, or we could have a ‘group’ set up for MayFirst Members on

The other link is to a platform built by Agaric - a resource locator that allows deep searching and tagging of content. It is a completely customizable platform and we are re-purposing it now for a COVID-19 resource locator for the Immigrant Family Services Institute ( and also for an Immigrant Navigator.
Info is here:
I believe something like this could allow us to connect with other organizations and services globally.
See it live here:

En la llamada de hoy, dejé 2 enlaces en el chat. En caso de que no los haya visto:
Una base de datos de necesidades y deseos. Podríamos usar el código y alojarlo en MayFirst, lo que requeriría un poco de esfuerzo por parte de los programadores, o podríamos tener un “grupo” creado para los miembros de MayFirst en

El otro enlace es a una plataforma construida por Agaric, un localizador de recursos que permite la búsqueda profunda y el etiquetado de contenido. Es una plataforma completamente personalizable y la estamos reutilizando ahora para un localizador de recursos COVID-19 para el Instituto de Servicios para Familias de Inmigrantes ( y también para un Navegador de Inmigrantes.
La información está aquí:
Creo que algo como esto podría permitirnos conectarnos con otras organizaciones y servicios a nivel mundial.
Véalo en vivo aquí:

Agrego los comentarios completos porque creo que vale la pena. Fuimos el equipo español 1

Pablo: Debemos reunirnos para intercambiar conocimiento , necesitamos vinculación y tejido fino y es lo más difícil de hacer, eso es lo que ven desde la coperacha. Quizá hacer alguno sesiones de las herramientas más útiles y novedosas que potencien a las organizaciones.

Atitlán: El uso del software libre se ha estado manejando, difundiendo, de repente, hace falta mayor difusión o un instrumento que pueda romper con … mil instrumentos privativos, mayor penetración en las organizaciones sociales que luchan por el bienestar del pueblo , pero estas org se han acostumbrado a usar los instrumentos privativos.

Estrella: Agregar valor a la autonomía digital, asumir que Mayfirst provee de servicios estratégicos para las personas en diversas realidades donde se construyen alternativas, se lucha por derechos y libertades, por ello necesitamos fortalecer la infraestructura a la par de las capacidades de comunicativas para sumar a más personas corresponsables .

Cerezo: Apoyar más en el conocimiento no sólo del software libre, sino en el mantenimiento de estas herramientas, capacitación y apoyo técnico específico, ya que es lo que más falta , hay herramientas sencillas que podemos usar, pero hay otras más complicadas que no podemos usar sin capacitación o ayuda de los que ya

Pirra: Compartir los conocimientos técnicos y dar seguimiento a éstos, mediante talleres prácticos, soporte y acompañamiento específico. Fomentar las herramientas tecnológicas libres y remarcar la conciencia política que estas pueden llegar a tener como una manera de apropiarnos de estas tecnicas.

Notes from Discussion Group # 4

1- The development of alternative communications programs for our movements and improvements on accessibility, stability, security and information about their use: video conferencing, meeting software, and work sharing/storge programs like Nextcloud. Several people were very positive about mumble but all felt it was very complicated to initially use after download. Members felt we should be bringing together larger numbers of technologists to work on these needs.

2 - The development of alternative forms of connectivity that assure our communications if our Internet use is compromised or prohibited and to protect us from increasing use of Internet communications for surveillance and data capture. This includes working on the development of “distributed structures”.

3 - Alternatives to growing use of 5G communications and the various forms of intrusion that it makes more possible and more robust.

4 - May First should, as one member put it, “come out of the shadows”: publicize its work and expand its movement interactions so that all activists know who we are and what we contribute now and potentially.

5 - Involvement in the major social issues including the issue of imprisonment and challenging the hegemony of universities in education since on-line learning gives us a greater potential than ever before to challenge that hegemony (since we don’t need buildings and other facilities they big universities have and we don’t). We should be expanding our “movement work” program.

Participación del GRUPO ESPAÑOL 2

reflexión 1

Estamos en un centro de voluntarios con 21 años de existencia en Chiapas, bajo el contexto de COVID el objetivo es sobrevivir, hay una falta muy grande de voluntarios por primera vez en la historia, el mundo necesita solidaridad y voluntad para ayudar a los demás , un mundo donde todas y todos tengamos acceso a salud.

Lo que necesitamos son fuentes de financiamiento más estables, que no estén ligados a servicios privativos y que nos permitan mantener una sustentabilidad de los trabajos, también requerimos trabajo dentro de las organizaciones sobre las formas de conviviencia, herramientas para madurar emocionalmente nuestras relaciones en colectivo

Deberíamos poder prepararnos para una segunda (tercera, cuarta…) venida de crisis, no estábamos preparadxs, y estamos reaccionando sin mucho éxito en la comunicación y la dificultad de vernos personalmente para organizarnos y tomar decisiones. La realidad es que no es imposible que algo así pueda pasar en el futuro

El objetivo es sobrevivir, necesitamos ser más solidarios y voluntad de ayuda, también financiamiento estable y sustentabilidad de los trabajos, estar más preparados para cuando una crisis de esta magnitud se repita.

reflexión 2

Las herramientas de MF no es una de las primeras cosas que utilizamos, formamos parte de la comunidad, pero gran parte de nuestro trabajo se hace con voluntarios y organizaciones hermanas, no se si podría decir cómo cambiar sobre la tecnología de MF, vamos a seguir usándola

Resulta algo difícil para los que participamos o somos miembros de MF siento que no hemos agotado el uso extensivo de las herramientas, quizá el papel de MF sería buscar formas de que las herremientas sean algo mas al alcance, quizá hace falta un trabajo de enlace con las organizaciones para volver las herramientas algo mas inmediato, con la pandemia se ve que es una situación que será recurrente, en lo futuro ese escenario será algo que volverá a suceder, por eso el papel de MF debe ser muy determinante, hacer que las herramientas sea algo mas cotidiano. El uso mas cotidiano puede potenciar el trabajo de muchas organizaciones, de pronto no es muy claro que hay una red grande, tedríamos que tener enlaces entre los que forman parte de MF.

Es fundamental que las personas que forman parte del movimiento sepan de la existencia de las herramientas que proporciona MF, que sepan usarlas y que sea dentro de un contexto de auto cuidado en seguridad, privacidad y organización, como un beneficio palpable antes la desventaja de usar otras herramientas privativas.

MF podría tener mas contactos con sus miembras y miembros, visibilizar quienes forman parte del movimiento, establecer redes de comunicación entre organizaciones y colectivos y tener más claridad sobre las herramientas que hay y cómo usarlas, hablar más los beneficios en seguridad, privacidad y de organización.