Can member pay for more storage? Or are there other recommendations?

Just curious how to go about getting more storage. I imagine this is also a factor in preventing adoption of the platform (among other things).

Also curious what alternatives to like Dropbox and the like people are using (if anything) - mostly looking for a place to archive my old emails to but want to support values aligned orgs or at least more “neutral” orgs.

Hi @shaeparilla,

Via the Control panel (May First Movement Technology) you can allocate more storage to your user account - up to the total storage you are allowed in your membership (which is displayed at the top of the control panel after you login).

And, you can get more storage for your membership by following this link:

Just enter your email address to get the link. The amount of storage you get depends on your hosting plan, but you can set the plan to anything you’d like.


Ahh thanks, this is all I get when I follow the Control Panel link from the home page and no matter what I click at the top it doesn’t change:

Also is there a price break down of additional storage costs anywhere? I just get the membership renewal page when I click that link (May First Membership | May First Movement Technology)

Hi Shae,

User accounts on the new infrastructure are just an authentication mechanism and don’t actually take up any space. You probably want to adjust either your Mailbox or Nextcloud items in the control panel.

These help documents might be useful:

Feel free to email us at support at mayfirst org with your questions.

It looks like you have two logins with almost the same spelling. The one with the right access is shaeparrilla

If you login with that one it should work better with the control panel.


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Ahh that explains it I forgot due to a typo I had to create a second login

Made changes without incident to Nextcloud allocation. But when I try to do it for the mailbox I get the same “you don’t have access”. I’m guessing this is also because of the typo issue some kind of permission thing?

Lets try and eliminate the confusion. Which is the correct spelling? I can work on moving files and data into the correct user account name for you.