una lista de cooperativas y organizaciones de software libre presentes en el #fediverso, contribuciones bienvenidas
List of cooperatives and free software organizations on the fediverse, contributions welcome
- May First Movement Technology May First Movement Technology (@mayfirst@social.coop) - social.coop
- Patio Coops Patio (@patio@social.coop) - social.coop
- CoopNews coopnews (@coopnews@social.coop) - social.coop
- Tierra Comun coop Cooperativa Tierra Común (@tierra_comun@social.coop) - social.coop
- Sutty Sutty (@sutty@todon.nl) - Todon.nl
- Olatukoop Olatukoop (@Olatukoop@mastodon.eus) - Mastodon.eus
- Autonomic Co-op Autonomic Co-op (@autonomic@sunbeam.city) - Sunbeam City 🌻
- Talaios kooperatiba Talaios kooperatiba (@Talaioskoop@mastodon.eus) - Mastodon.eus
- KoopFabrika KoopFabrika (@koopfabrika@mastodon.eus) - Mastodon.eus
- Koop57 Euskal Herria Koop57 Euskal Herria (@koop57eh@mastodon.eus) - Mastodon.eus
- Coòpolis Coòpolis (@coopolis@mastodon.economiasocial.org) - Mastodon
- Ponent Coopera Ponent Coopera (@ponentcoopera@mastodon.economiasocial.org) - Mastodon
- Jamgo, cooperativa tecnològica Jamgo, cooperativa tecnològica (@jamgo@mastodon.social) - Mastodon
- Cooperativa femProcomuns Cooperativa femProcomuns (@femprocomuns@mastodon.economiasocial.org) - Mastodon
- Grassroots Economic Organizing Grassroots Economic Organizing (@GEO_Collective@social.coop) - social.coop
- CoopCycle CoopCycle (@coopcycle@mastodon.social) - Mastodon
- Cooperativa Gafarrons Cooperativa Gafarrons (@GafarronsCoop@mastodon.economiasocial.org) - Mastodon
- TRADUCOOP TRADUCOOP (@traducoop@social.coop) - social.coop
- Co-op Cloud Co-op Cloud (@coopcloud@social.coop) - social.coop
- Institut Coop https://mstdn.ca/@institutcoop
- Autonomic Co-op Autonomic Co-op (@autonomic@sunbeam.city) - Sunbeam City 🌻
- Cambá Cambá (@cambacoop@mastodon.online) - Mastodon
- Nubo Coop Nubo Coop (@nubo_coop@hostux.social) - Mastodon Hostux
- Data Commons Cooperative Data Commons Cooperative (@dcc@social.coop) - social.coop
- Village One Cooperative Village One Cooperative (@VillageOneCoop@toot.village.one) - Village One Mastodon Instance
- Servers.coop Servers.coop (@serverscoop@sunbeam.city) - Sunbeam City 🌻
Free Open Software
- The Tor Project The Tor Project (@torproject@mastodon.social) - Mastodon
- Guardian Project Guardian Project (@guardianproject@librem.one) - Librem Social
- Tella - Document & Protect Tella - Document & Protect Tella - Document & Protect (@tella@infosec.exchange) - Infosec Exchange
- OpenArchive OpenArchive (@OpenArchive@mstdn.social) - Mastodon 🐘
- Internet Archive internetarchive (@internetarchive@mastodon.archive.org) - Internet Archive
- Zetlr Zettlr (@zettlr@fosstodon.org) - Fosstodon
- Pandoc pandoc (@pandoc@fosstodon.org) - Fosstodon
- Open Knowledge Foundation Open Knowledge Foundation (@okfn@fosstodon.org) - Fosstodon
- Zotero Zotero (@zotero@fosstodon.org) - Fosstodon
- Free Software Foundation Europe Free Software Foundation Europe (@fsfe@mastodon.social) - Mastodon
- NGI Zero open source funding NGI Zero open source funding (@NGIZero@mastodon.xyz) - Mastodon
- EDRi EDRi (@edri@eupolicy.social) - EUpolicy.social - A Mastodon server for the EU bubble
- Open Source Diversity Open Source Diversity 🌼 (@opensourcediversity@mastodon.social) - Mastodon
- Python for Data Science Python for Data Science (@Python4DataScience@mastodon.social) - Mastodon
- Public Knowledge Project Public Knowledge Project (@PublicKnowledgeProject@mastodon.social) - Mastodon
- Creative Commons Creative Commons (@creativecommons@mastodon.social) - Mastodon
- Invest in Open Infrastructure Invest in Open Infrastructure (@investinopen@indieweb.social) - Indieweb.Social
- Center for Open Science Center for Open Science (@CenterforOpenScience@fosstodon.org) - Fosstodon
- Open Future Foundation Open Future Foundation (@openfuture@eupolicy.social) - EUpolicy.social - A Mastodon server for the EU bubble
- DjangoCon Africa DjangoCon Africa (@djangoconafrica@fosstodon.org) - Fosstodon
- TechSoup TechSoup (@TechSoup@publicgood.social) - publicgood.social
- Open Rights Group Open Rights Group (@openrightsgroup@social.openrightsgroup.org) - Mastodon
- Mozilla Localization Mozilla Localization (@mozilla_l10n@fosstodon.org) - Fosstodon
- LAC HUB - HOT LAC HUB - HOT 🌎 (@mapeoabierto_la@mapstodon.space) - Mapstodon.space
- OpenStreetMap Ops Team https://en.osm.town/@osm_tech
- GeoDesk https://en.osm.town/@geodesk
- internetarchive internetarchive (@internetarchive@mastodon.archive.org) - Internet Archive
- DWeb https://social.coop/@dweb
- NGI Commons https://eupolicy.social/@NGICommons
- OpenArchive OpenArchive (@OpenArchive@mstdn.social) - Mastodon 🐘
- Mullvad VPN https://mastodon.online/@mullvadnet
- Qubes OS https://mastodon.social/@QubesOS
- Tailscale https://hachyderm.io/@tailscale
- Signal https://mastodon.world/@signalapp
- The New Oil https://mastodon.thenewoil.org/@thenewoil
- PINE64 https://fosstodon.org/@PINE64
- FOSDEM https://fosstodon.org/@fosdem
- Manjaro ARM https://fosstodon.org/@ManjaroARM
- KDE https://floss.social/@kde
- Geekland https://mastodon.social/@geekland
- LINux on MOBile https://fosstodon.org/@linmob
- OpenRGB https://fosstodon.org/@OpenRGB
- Alpine Linux https://fosstodon.org/@alpinelinux
- postmarketOS https://fosstodon.org/@postmarketOS
- nlnet foundation https://social.nlnet.nl/@nlnet
- /e/OS - deGoogled mobile OS https://mastodon.social/@e_mydata
- F-Droid https://floss.social/@fdroidorg
- Open Science https://mastodon.social/@openscience
- Open Culture https://toot.community/@openculture
- Wikimedia Foundation https://wikimedia.social/@wikimediafoundation
- Wikipedia https://wikis.world/@wikipedia
- Framework https://fosstodon.org/@frameworkcomputer
- Universal Blue https://fosstodon.org/@UniversalBlue
- Fedora Project https://fosstodon.org/@fedora
- SPARC https://mastodon.social/@sparc
- // foss.events https://fosstodon.org/@foss_events
- Inkscape https://mastodon.art/@inkscape
- Libre Graphics Meeting https://post.lurk.org/@lgm
- Blender https://mastodon.social/@Blender
- Blender Studio https://mastodon.social/@BlenderStudio
- Kdenlive https://floss.social/@kdenlive
- GIMP https://floss.social/@GIMP
- Krita https://mastodon.art/@Krita
- PTS Project https://infosec.exchange/@pts
- Sutty Sutty (@sutty@todon.nl) - Todon.nl
- I2P https://mastodon.social/@i2p
- TuxPhones https://fosstodon.org/@tuxdevices
- FreedomBox https://mastodon.social/@freedomboxfndn
- CalyxOS https://fosstodon.org/@calyxos
- The Calyx Institute https://mastodon.social/@calyxinstitute
- Shodan https://mastodon.shodan.io/@shodan
- adafruit https://mastodon.cloud/@adafruit
- Arduino https://mastodon.social/@arduino
- Asahi Linux https://social.treehouse.systems/@AsahiLinux
- LibreOffice https://fosstodon.org/@libreoffice
- FreeCAD https://fosstodon.org/@FreeCAD
- The Document Foundation https://fosstodon.org/@tdforg
- openSUSE Linux https://fosstodon.org/@opensuse
- GNOME https://floss.social/@gnome
- FOSS Backstage https://floss.social/@FOSSBackstage
- freedesktop.org https://floss.social/@XOrgFoundation
- Sovereign Tech Agency https://mastodon.social/@sovtechfund
- SustainOSS https://hachyderm.io/@sustainoss
- Prototype Fund https://mastodon.social/@PrototypeFund
- NLnet Labs https://fosstodon.org/@nlnetlabs
- Open Web Docs https://front-end.social/@openwebdocs
- Drupal Association https://mastodon.social/@drupalassoc
- Reproducible Builds https://fosstodon.org/@reproducible_builds
- IETF https://mastodon.online/@ietf
- Software Freedom Conservancy https://social.sfconservancy.org/users/conservancy
- Prossimo https://infosec.exchange/@ProssimoISRG
- OpenJS Foundation https://social.lfx.dev/@openjsf
- Open Source Initiative https://social.opensource.org/@osi
- Flathub https://floss.social/@flathub
- Linux Appp Summit https://floss.social/@LAS
- Framasoft https://framapiaf.org/@Framasoft
- Exodus Privacy https://framapiaf.org/@exodus
- CryptPad https://fosstodon.org/@cryptpad
- Weblate https://fosstodon.org/@weblate
- DAVx https://fosstodon.org/@davx5app
- Bitwarden https://fosstodon.org/@bitwarden
- Matomo (Piwik) https://mastodon.social/@Matomo
- Gitea https://social.gitea.io/@gitea
- Briar Project https://fosstodon.org/@briar
- OONI https://mastodon.social/@ooni
- Liberapay https://mastodon.xyz/@Liberapay
- The Linux Foundation https://social.lfx.dev/@linuxfoundation
- GNOME Latam https://floss.social/@GNOMELatam
- Canonical Ubuntu https://ubuntu.social/@ubuntu
- GTK https://floss.social/@GTK
- elementary https://mastodon.social/@elementary
- GNOME Brasil https://mastodon.social/@gnome_br
- Python Software Foundation https://fosstodon.org/@ThePSF