Dear all.
As we talked today, we will start gathering what we need to start the research about our own membership. We will do that with an asynchronous dialogue that informs us as we go forward, with a technique adapted from the Delphi forecasting process.
A common document in Nextcloud can be a great start (and probably more than enough) to convene and organize our work. Where do we put it?
Some of the next steps may include:
- Define the sample criteria :: this implies a bit of knowledge of our current members and 1 ~ 2 work sessions of 1 hour each, max.
- Define the initial questions :: in this sense, it is not required but useful (not only for this initiative) to read “The art of powerful questions” (
- Send a brief open invitation to all our members with a core message of “we want to focus on our needs, and for that we need to know and understand ourselves better. Participation implies just a few minutes responding a questionnaire. If you are interested, please fill in the-initial-questionnaire”.
- That questionnaire may have only something about the member (be it individual or organizational) and a 2~3 big, open questions (worked on point 2).
- With 15 responses (if there are 2 samples) or 20 (if only 1 sample) we can initiate the thematic analysis (those interested can see How to Do Thematic Analysis | A Step-by-Step Guide & Examples)
- With the results, we go to cycle 2.