Would anyone be interested in joining a Mayfirst Biketober team? TL;DR biketober is a fun leaderboard that encourages people to ride bicycles. You can sign up, post your miles, and have a friendly competition to get the most people riding their bike. It’s all non-commercial and casual, you self-report hours on an honor system and have fun with it, nothing serious. If you’d like to sign up, you can do so here (referral link, just gets me worthless internet points):
If anyone wants to join me, I’ll happily create a Mayfirst team so we can start encouraging people to ride their bike!
That’s great, glad to see we have some other bikers on here! You can sign up here: Home : Biketober 2022 (I know it says “Atlanta”, but you can participate from anywhere and it will ask what city when you join). I’ll create a Mayfirst group and follow up with the link shortly!
And once you’ve joined, you can join the May First club here! Love to Ride USA
I set it as an advocacy group in the US, there aren’t great choices for international groups, sadly, but it’s just for where the leaderboards show up, it doesn’t really matter.