MM 2018: Postpone leadership committee elections until we vote on coop

According to our bylaws, we must elect new leadership committee members to three year terms to replace all leadership commitee members who have an expiring term. Currently, we have 5 members who will be stepping off the committee this year.

However, this year, our membership is engaging in a conversation about formally converting to a multi-stake holder coop, that may lead us to change our legal structure significantly and require us to go through a new election process.

Rather than elect 5 new people to a committee that may end if we change our structure, this proposal recommends postponing the election and inviting the members who would cycle off to remain. If the coop proposal is rejected, we would immediately hold elections to fill the 5 spots. Or, if the coop proposal is accepted and leads to a membership vote that approves the plan, we would instead begin building an election to replace the leadership committee with a body to lead the cooperative.

De acuerdo con nuestros estatutos, debemos elegir a nuevos miembros del comité de liderazgo por un período de tres años para reemplazar a todos los miembros del comité de liderazgo que tienen un plazo de vencimiento. Actualmente, tenemos 5 miembros que abandonarán el comité este año.

Sin embargo, este año, nuestra membresía está participando en una conversación sobre la conversión formal a una cooperativa de múltiples partes interesadas, lo que nos puede llevar a cambiar nuestra estructura legal de manera significativa y nos obliga a pasar por un nuevo proceso electoral.

En lugar de elegir a 5 personas nuevas para un comité que puede terminar si cambiamos nuestra estructura, esta propuesta recomienda posponer la elección e invitar a los miembros que se retiran del ciclo para quedarse. Si la propuesta de la cooperativa es rechazada, inmediatamente tendríamos elecciones para llenar los 5 puestos. O, si la propuesta de la cooperativa es aceptada y conduce a un voto de membresía que aprueba el plan, en lugar de eso, comenzaríamos a construir una elección para reemplazar el comité de liderazgo con un cuerpo para dirigir la cooperativa.

This makes sense. Participating in the process of developing the coop (if that is approved) would be a great step for people interested in becoming more involved in the organization. Thanks, Jamie.

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I think I need more said here. The coop proposal as laid out is basically a committee to explore the idea of this. Any change to a cooperative structure will take quite some time. Any research into adopting a cooperative structure should take some time.

I see no reason to delay the normal leadership committee elections for something no nebulous.