Radical Elders -- A Program for a Just Society

May First member Radical Elders is a U.S.-based national organization made up of revolutionaries over the age of 55. We’ve had a few successful events and have developed a full program capturing what we think about this society and how elders should be treated.
As our website explains: We believe fundamental social transformation should drive all our work and that intentionality which involves supporting the leadership of women and people of the global majority (often referred to as “people of color”) is critical to that social transformation.
We encourage everyone in May First to look at the program, consider whether it’s something you and/or your organization might support and then, if so, let us know. We’re always looking to collaborate and share information with left organizations. So take a look at it and let us know what you think.


And, if you’re over 55, RE is an organization you should belong to. The life of an elder is an indication of how the society values its people and a preview of the life everyone else is going to face. Fundamentally change elders’ lives and we are fundamentally changing this society. So…join us! No obligations; you’re on our mailing list and you can attend our events and, if you want, join one of our work-teams.


Thanks, everyone. Much love!
Alfredo Lopez

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