Hello folxs.
I’m searching for the shared folder that we talked about in the previous TIA meeting but couldn’t find it. The idea is to share a brief document about the proposed Delphi process to research our members needs and views.
Can anyone share it with me please?
Thanks a lot and warm regads…
Hi Eduardo,
Here’s the link: https://share.mayfirst.org/f/9572522
It should only work if you are logged into Nextcloud and have been added to the TIAS nextcloud circle - so if it doesn’t work let us know so we can debug your access.
Thanks for sharing the resources!
I am logged in, but can’t see it. Maybe I’m still not in the TIAS circle?
I’ve finally gotten around to creating a post introducing new TIAS members where to find things in TIAS.
This includes instructions for joining our Nextcloud circle.
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