Tech tool recommendations for cooperatives

I’m a member of the Artisans coop, and we’re looking for some tools that can help get us away from the corporate tech world. MayFirst has Jitsi, Email and Nextcloud, which are all great, but there are some other needs that we’re looking for recommendations:

  1. Email campaign management (e.g. replacement for MailChimp, etc.)
  2. Social media content management (e.g. replacement for HootSuite, Buffer, etc.)
  3. Some kind of database so we can track information about our members, the points they’ve earned, and other operational things we need.

We would prefer open source software that is developed by the community and can be hosted on MayFirst’s shared hosting. If not that, then software that was written and perhaps is operated by a coop.

If you have any suggestions, or can share experience your organization has with these things, please do share.

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I got CiviCRM up and running on our server (thanks Jamie for assisting!) and it can definitely accomplish 1 and 3.

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I agree with @travisamiel - CiviCRM is great and if you already need to track member info it would be a good tool for you. Just to note - CiviCRM specializes in being powerful and flexible… not being super easy to use. There’s no opinionated but fully functional “membership” setup out of the box, but I’m happy to steer you through that via support.

For anyone reading this who doesn’t need membership support, I think mailman is an overlooked email campaign program. It has exactly none of the special features of modern mass email tools (tracking/spying on your recipients, dynamically segmenting your contacts, an attractive web based user interface, a tool for building mobile friendly messages, etc) but it does have all the key features (unsubscribe, auto unsub bounces, etc) and it is just so easy to use. Just send an email using your email program to the given address and then it gets sent to everyone.


Another option if you’re looking for something not owned by a big business, but still fairly out of the box is the platform WithFriends!