Troubleshooting nextcloud photo albums (can't upload, console errors)

Hi all! I’m trying to upload photos to a new album at, which I’ve done a few times before over the past year. I’m using the same Pop OS (Ubuntu-like) linux desktop enviroment I’ve used before.

But today, whether I use firefox or chromium browser, when I open an album (that is, from a page like[album-title]), when I click “+ Add” and select a photo of any filetype (JPG, PNG or GIF), the file does not appear to upload or become visible in the album.

Instead, an error message appears in the browser console:

hook.js:608 TypeError: Failed to construct 'URL': Invalid URL
    at Xs.upload (index-f812dc31.mjs:1705:71)
    at index-f812dc31.mjs:3022:28
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at o.onPick (index-f812dc31.mjs:3021:9)
    at un (vue.runtime.esm.js:3033:30)
    at HTMLInputElement.n (vue.runtime.esm.js:1832:20)
    at r.20144.Ma.i._wrapper (vue.runtime.esm.js:7500:35)

Actually, a number of console errors appear on the page even before I attempt an upload, and these error messages differ on firefox vs chrome. I’ve attached a screenshot of these errors.

Any tips in troubleshooting this are much appreciated!

Thanks for the report. Sadly, I get the same error. And, even more sadly, I found this problem opened as an issue without a reply. I just added a reply:

On the plus side, the extension does seem to be under active development and recently merged a new feature labelled " Ease opening photos picker in album content view" which sounds relevant to what we are doing.

I’m hoping it will be fixed in our next upgrade. I’ll discuss with Jaime that timing and see if we can get that done in the next month or so.

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