Welcome to May First's Discussion Board!

Welcome to May First’s member discussion board. This is the place to discuss any topic related to May First policies, politics and technology (note - the only exception are support requests which should be posted to our support site ).

This forum is only open to current May First members - any member can login using your existing username and password.

May First engages in building movements by advancing the strategic use and collective control of technology for local struggles, global transformation, and emancipation without borders. Flowing from that mission, our organization redefines the concept of “Internet Service Provider” in a collective and collaborative way. Like any democratic membership organization, we gather together each year to evaluate the past year’s experiences, plan the coming year’s work and elect a Board of Directors to apply what we’ve decided. Like a coop, we pay dues, buy equipment and then we all use that equipment as we need to for websites, email, email lists, and just about everything else we do on the Internet. As a movement organization, we participate in (and often lead) campaigns, struggles, coalitions and network of left, progressive and social justice organizations in the U.S., Mexico and Internationally.